28125 Bradley Rd., Suite 250, Sun City, CA 92586 | (951) 723-4041 | License #0G61191
Although none of these are fool proof, they have help protect your home while you are away.
Secure your home
Make sure all doors and windows are locked, even windows on the second floor. Never store the extra key under the welcome mat, rock or in the planter. Give a key to a trusted neighbor in case of an emergency. Trim back bushes near the windows so there is no hiding space allowing them ease of entry. Purchase an alarm that would contact Police and Fire Dept. Alarms will in most cases provide you with a discount on your homeowner's insurance policy.
Trusted neighbor
Let your trusted neighbors know that you will be out of town and to keep an eye on your home for anything suspicious.
Make your home appear to be occupied
Don't let the newspaper or mail pile up. Ask a neighbor to pick them up or have the service delayed until you return. Set some of your indoor lights on a timer.
Social Media
Don't share your vacation photos online, wait until you get home to post.
Insurance Policy
Talk with your Agent before you leave on vacation and know what potential losses would be covered while you are away. Keeping an updated log of belongings helps if there was an unexpected loss or theft.
Most important of all, enjoy yourself and have a blast!
Contact Information
28125 Bradley Rd., Suite 250, Sun City, CA 92586
Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
License #0G61191