28125 Bradley Rd., Suite 250, Sun City, CA 92586 | (951) 723-4041 | License #0G61191
Insurance companies usually define a young driver between the ages of 16-25. People in this age group, especially males can be considered high risk. This group of drivers are classified high risk because this group they tend to file more claims than any other group. As a general rule a young driver must have their license for three years before the rates begin to decrease.
Companies are looking for responsible habits. Doing well in school may offset the increase some. The good student discount extend to unmarried drivers who maintain a 3.00 GPA with usually 12 units or more. This discount is offered on the liability portion of the premium.
Here are some tips to keep your premium down:
Drive Responsible:
Maintain a good driving record with no claims and keep the Good Driver Discount.
Remain on Parents Policy:
If their primary residence is the parents home, keep them on the policy as a additional driver. This will add the Multi Vehicle discount if adding another vehicle.
Increase Deductible:
The higher the deductible the lower the premium. Also check to see which payment plan may be the best fit.
Low Mileage:
Keep the miles low if possible. Simple logic, the greater amount of time on the road increases their chances of being in an accident. Maybe restrict the access to the vehicle.
Some Cars Cost Less to Insure:
Before adding a vehicle call your Agent for some quotes. The more information you have the better decision you will make.
Contact Information
28125 Bradley Rd., Suite 250, Sun City, CA 92586
Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
License #0G61191